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iPhone Apps Plus
iPhone Apps Plus: There are more than 70 iTunes stores and user reviews of applications are written in dozens of languages. While app stores only show reviews in one country, iPhone Apps Plus allows you to view app rank and reviews in all languages from all app stores around the world. If you are an app author, you can view what the users are saying about your app in other countries and know how it is doing world wide. This is a great way to gain invaluable insight about iPhone app. If you are going to buy an app, iPhone Apps Plus brings you all the reviews worldwide and helps you make a more informed purchase decision. iPhone Apps Plus tracks the rating and reviews of all iPhone apps in all iTunes app stores every hour. It always covers the latest apps for Apple's iPhone and iPod Touch. Each applications are evaluated against a perfect set of criteria which iPhone Apps Plus originates from users' point of view. Based on these criteria you may have a clearer information about the app you have your eyes on.

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Globales Ranking: 15.180.224
Sprache/Land: Flagge von EN EN
Bewertung Besucher 489 / Tag Wert 5.575 € SEO Score 62/100 NEU!

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