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StivaSoft - Web Development Company | Web Applications | Stiva Soft
StivaSoft is a well-known web development company with over nine years of experience creating high quality web applications used by over 18 000 clients worldwide.

Ermittelte Webseitenkriterien und Platzierungen
Globales Ranking: 202.224
Landes Ranking: 12.717 in Canada
Webseiten Geschwindigkeit: 1.388 Sekunden (Schneller als 56% der gemessenen Webseiten)
Bewertung Plazierung # 12.717 Besucher 2.523 / Tag Wert 34.312 € SEO Score 33/100 NEU!

Besucher Entwicklung

3 Monate202.224 31.407
Letzter Monat176.606 71.855
Letzte Woche165.925 16.554
Gestern580.522 376.791

Besucher Herkunft

LandLandesrangNutzeranzeilAnteil an Seitenaufrufen
Flagge von Canada Canada12.71729.4%39.2%
Flagge von Malaysien Malaysien8.06317.1%17.2%
Flagge von Indien Indien134.62312.5%6.1%
Flagge von Großbritannien Großbritannien58.16110.1%6.9%
Flagge von Italien Italien38.1989.4%9.8%
Flagge von Vereinigte Staaten Vereinigte Staaten252.7879.1%9.4%

Besucher Herkunft nach Städten

StadtStadtrangNutzeranzeilAnteil an SeitenaufrufenSeiten/Besuch
Flagge von Canada Toronto, ON2.79721.8%29.0%7
Flagge von Malaysien Kota Kinabalu23117.0%17.1%5
Flagge von Canada Mississauga, ON2.4316.2%9.7%8
Flagge von Großbritannien Christchurch1644.7%2.6%2.8
Flagge von Vereinigte Staaten Greenville-Spartenburg, SC13.5721.7%1.1%3

Wichtigste Keywords

Soft StivaSoft StivaSoft is Web Development Company years of experience creating Web Applications Stiva Soft nine years of experience StivaSoft Web Development Company aspects of Company Web Applications Stiva quality web applications high quality web applications quality web applications used Development Company Web Applications web applications used by food delivery service providing well-known clients




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descriptionStivaSoft is a well-known web development company with over nine years of experience creating high q...
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Externe Links

PHPjabbers.com by StivaSoft PHPjabbers.com is a well known brand offering all kind of web based software packages and web design services. You can find an enormous virtual library of high standard webhttp://www.phpjabbers.com/
GeekyCorner.com by StivaSoft An online source for quality web applications, latest industry news and software reviews. Post and advertise your own products, read interviews with talented CEOs and benehttp://www.geekycorner.com/
Brolmo.com by StivaSoft Brolmo.com offers free remotely-hosted web applications and website tools. Nothing to buy and install. Anyone can use our free scripts on their website without advanced technichttp://www.brolmo.com/
EzyFoodDelivery by StivaSoft Ezy Food Delivery system is offered as a hosted restaurant ordering system and provides a stable fully supported software solution for anyone who wants to start out a foodhttp://www.ezyfooddelivery.com/
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Swopee by StivaSoft Advanced web platform for web-related work sharing! Swopee is a network where web developers, designers and other web professionals can swap web work and make safe barter arrangemehttp://www.swopee.com/
Letzte Aktualisierung: 11.04.2015 21:49