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11. Welt-Kindertheater-Fest 2010
From the 18th to the 25th June 2010 the 11th World Festival of Children’s Theatre takes place in Lingen (Ems). The roots of the present festival date back to the year 1990 when the first worldwide festival for children's theatre opened in Lingen. Now, it is considered as one of the most important international festivals of its kind. Hosted by organisers in Moscow / Russia, the festival now returns to its roots in Lingen (Ems), Germany. From almost 60 applicants, an international jury selected a number of 18 groups, representing more than 300 children from all over the world, and invited them - under the motto "Make your Dream!" - to perform on stage, become acquainted with new cultures, make new friends and above all to just pass a wonderful time. The groups participating in this festival come from Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Colombia, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Norway, Russia, Zimbabwe, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Venezuela. During the festival, more than 50.000 spectators are expected to visit both the performances and the Park of Dreams on the festival ground.

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Sprache/Land: Flagge von Deutschland Deutschland
Bewertung Besucher 62 / Tag Wert 753 € SEO Score 72/100 NEU!

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Letzte Aktualisierung: 14.04.2015 8:11