www.tehoval.de Gehe zur Webseite

Alexandre Tehoval Praxis für Osteopathie & Naturheilkunde
"This website provides you with a brief overview of the complementary therapy methods used in my practice. Choose another language: Soyez les bienvenus | In the heart of Frankfurt, right at the main traffic junction of the Rhine-Main region is the location of the practice of osteopathy and naturopathy of state-approved Osteopath & Naturopath Alexandre Tehoval. Stiftstr.2. The pretty little practice, an island of tranquility in the urban vortex, is located in the corner house on the Zeil in front of the white fountain on the 5th floor, easily accessible from the street level with a large elevator. Alexandre Tehoval is an Naturopath with more than 15 years of professional experience and also a fully qualified and state-approved osteopath for the last 10 years (since 2000). He uses his extensive experience and compassionate care for the welfare of his patients."

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